

Matter Profiled in Photo District News

From the Exposures section of the September 2014 issue of PDN

"Sullivan’s background as a painter informs his photography, which is concerned with layers and texture. He employs various rephotography techniques, and his ethereal landscapes look like watercolors. Meanwhile, Gamber’s photographs trade heavily in the expectation of color and its absence. One of his images renders a color- blindness test in steely black-and-white. Another converts television color bars to a monochromatic image. Charland’s work appears as a form of anachronistic futurism: fire, light and electricity course through eerie tableaux created from everyday objects. Interspersed with their art are illustrations and photographs from the original Matter, their utilitarianism subverted by this re-contextualization."

Matter, 2014
Caleb Charland, Matthew Gamber
Johan Rosenmunthe, Bill Sullivan
Text by Dick Lyon

Colour offset printing
Edition of 200
21.21 x 27.36 cm, 88 pages
Design by Mary Voorhees Meehan
Edited by Lodret Vandret
ISBN 978-87-92988-07-2
Published by Vandret Publications

Available for purchase from Printed Matter.

Matthew Gamber